


... when I recently went to VENICE (and I positively adore Venice, like it better every time I go there, and how wonderful it is to go there neither for the sake of the arts nor for that of architecture, but for mere, pleasurable strolling around!) I came across this wonderful vintage Paris city guide in a second hand bookshop. Marvellous, just marvellous. And you know what, it still serves its purpose, more or less. Well, I had to buy it, and sure enough, I put it on a side table in my flat, next to my very useful "English Intepret" - a very well preserved language course that would match Holly Golightly's fondness for language learning. And is filled to the brim with clichés of the most extravagant kind ...

... à Venise, récemment, un week-end adorable dans une ville adorable que j'aime un peu plus chaque fois que j'y vais, j'ai trouvé chez un bouquiniste ce plan de Paris très mignon et toujours utile, enfin on va dire : pas encore complètement démodé. Le plan-guide a retrouvé son équivalent sous forme du "English Interpret" chez moi, sur une petite table d'appoint vert clair. For good old time's sake ...

... il fine-settimana scorso siamo andati a VENEZIA, niente architettura, niente arte, niente (per fortuna!) carnevale (posso assicruarvi che positivamente DETESTO il carnevale, scusate, ma è proprio così), solo qualche passeggiata, tanti fritti, tramezzini, vino bianco - E questa guida di Parigi, perfettamente preservata, che ho DOVUTO comperare (e che mi servirà, chissà, quando torno a Parigi domani sera) - per metterla sul mio tavolino anni cinquanta accanto al corso d'inglese dello stesso periodo. Mmmmmmh ...

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