


... apart from the fact that I have always found it quite entertaining how, hopping from language to language, you have to be aware of the correct combination of vowels in the word CARNIVAL (carnaval, carnevale - what's that reference to meat in there, by the way?), I do very much hate that time of the year. Nonetheless, I'd like to bring it to the attention of all my Vienna-based readers that costume rental specialist LAMBERT HOFER has a special sale this upcoming weekend (Friday & Saturday, Feb. 25 - 26, 8 am - 6 pm, Simmeringer Hauptstraße 28, 1110 Wien) where they sell select pieces from their vast archive at special prices. Unfortunately, poor little me will be in Milan and therefore not able to attend this compulsory Faschingsparty preparation event ...

... le carnaval, bon, n'en parlons pas. Si ce n'est pas pour le CARNAVAL DU CITRON dont m'a parlé ma prof de français il y a désormais des lustres, je peux très bien m'en passer. Tout de même, si par hasard vous êtes à Vienne le weekend prochain, la vente spéciale de costumes organisée par LAMBERT HOFER vaut peut-être le coup d'y aller : Simmeringer Hauptstraße 28, 1110 Wien, vendredi 26 et samedi 26 février, de 8 à 18 heures ...

... attenzione, tutti gli amatori del CARNEVALE (io, ve lo dico subito, non appartengo a questa comunità scelta di quelli che adorano les bals masqués ...) che si trovano a Vienna il prossimo fine settimana: il famoso noleggio costumi LAMBERT HOFER organizza una vendita speciale venerdì 25 e sabato 26 febbraio, dalle 8 alle 18 (Simmeringer Hauptstraße 28, 1110 Wien). Siccome non amo il carnevale per niente, non sono affatto triste che io mi troverò a Milano per la settimana della moda, e non a Vienna ...

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