

Paris et ses queues...

... besides being a lovely spot indeed, Paris more often than not is about LONG QUEUES.

One of the highlights, lately: the opening of the first UNIQLO branch near Opéra. I had just been checking out the Galeries LaFayette and thought that I might as well take a look...

... and had to realise in awe that TWO ENORMOUS QUEUES had formed around the block, with employees holding up END OF THE LINE signs.

Incroyable, I say. But then again, the very same day this happend, the Nuit Blanche was another good option for queuing and waitign - since many a hotspot was sought after by too many Parisians. I checked out the 104 ART SPACE (with an installation by Ugo Rondinone, among others) but was a little bit disappointed.

Anyhow, fashion people know what it's like to wait - since of course no show ever starts on time and no interview partner ever shows up on time.

Bon ben... Bonne (file d') attente !

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