

Grippe générale @ Kenzo

la grêve générale has turned into the general flu: the "grippe" is on many a Parisian mind, these days...
... here at my friends' place ...

... yesterday morning @ Kenzo, just about when the gold circle at the end of the runway exploded and gave way to wind machines and a massive shower of gold glitter and tinsel (or whatever it's called in English)...
Kenzo was very golden indeed...

... which was sticking on everybody's heads and cleavages and everything (and got caught behind my glasses), there was this poor fashion editor next to me who was coughing her way through the - pretty solid, not my type, but pretty solid indeed - show and all I could think of was the new flu and at the same time how sick that was and then I imagined the entire fashion cosmos falling ill then and there and myriads of runway reviews remaining unwritten and then I just stopped and enjoyed the finale...

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