


... one thing to look forward to in this desperate, gray and forlorn town (okay, I'm exaggerating): when spring arrives, the age-old icecream institution Tichy reopens after the traditional winter closure.

Even though I'm far from being a fan of icecream (don't really like it, actually), I like seeing the beautiful Tichy adverts all over Vienna - as they are usually good examples of ingenuous graphic design.

This year, it's all about 1950s and an almost Carmen Miranda-like "Tutti Frutti" feeling. Jolly nice, I say.

And: at least we've got these billboards, now that spring reveals itself to be so reluctant a companion...

2 commentaires:

carmencita a dit…

hab am samstag die erste tichy-reklame entdeckt und mich geärgert, dass die kamera zu haus geblieben war..da warst du schneller ;-)
definitiv nett, diese reklame!

Daniel a dit…

gell. und man bekommt fast lust auf eis. auch wenn man keins mag ;)