

LE MOT DU JOUR: the word that made my day

... since I've been "working" on this baby project of mine for quite some while now, I thought I could as well "break the news". Something for my German-speaking readers, actually, as "Ein Tag, ein Wort" is the maximalistically reduced web log that does without images and any other adornment, only to present you with one essential linguistic item per 24h-unit - in the Teutonic tongue, more often than not. Takes only 1 second to check out, each and every day...

4 commentaires:


als fan von tante mechthild kann ich nur sagen: sie würde es lieben!

Daniel a dit…

mechtel rocks. stoff fürs nächste scrabble-match...

smilla a dit…

aahh, das ist von dir? Ich war schon ein paar mal da: schön!

Daniel a dit…

juhu! danke für das vorbeischauen!...

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