



... I would like to wish everone a SUPER START into the twenty-tens (?). For our New Year's Eve smörgåsbord we went for a little bit of retro chic - as we'd already done some years ago, as it were. I loved the cherry tomato squad that guided us through the first part of the evening and into the new year ...

Je vous souhaite, à tous, un formidable début de la NOUVELLE ANNEE. Les années dix nous apporteront, j'en suis sûr, plein de formidables choses. A suivre ...

Vi scrivo da una Vienna invasa da turisti italiani, come tutti gli anni, alla fine dell'anno, e vi auguro uno stupendo ANNO NUOVO con tante scoperte eccitanti da fare, vero ? ...

1 commentaire:

m.e.t.r.o.n.o.m. a dit…

yeah, yeah, rocking tomatoes! happy new year, parisvienne!