


... the other day, right outside my apartment building, I took a closer look at the shop window of the Turkish tailor who I had alter my Yves Saint Laurent jacket two years ago (she didn't exactly do a brilliant job, but let's be generous...), and there they were - some brightly coloured, charming, hand-knitted slippers. So nice. And so cosy and warm. I know from a friend of mine that they're called PATIK, so really, as long as the winter lasts, get yourself a pair of patik, or knit them yourselv. If you're familiar with Turkish, here's a little instruction how to do it ...

... des chaussons tricotés à la main, à la turque - et tout cela, dans mon immeuble. Car il y a une couturière en bas (à qui j'avais demandé, il y a désormais plus d'un an, de changer les proportions d'un blouson signé Yves Saint Laurent), d'origine turque, qui doit avoir misé sur un nouveau pilier pour son business, et elle s'est donc mise à fabriquer ces souliers qui s'appellent PATIK, apparemment. Je les trouve trop beaux, et je suis sûr qu'ils sont archi confortables ...

... pantofole a maglia, alla turca - che si chiamano, mi è stato indicato dalla mia cara amica Gülcan che vive a Parigi, PATIK. In vendita dalla sarta a due passi dell'entrata del nostro edificio. Bellissime, 'ste pantofole, e caldissime, e coloratissime. Per chi vuole - il principio "fai da te" è applicabile, seguende le istruzioni che troverete qui, in turco, vabbe', ma lo spirito DIY non conosce confini, vero, o no ? ...

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