


... I think, and this concerns fashion just as well as literature, theatre or whatever cultural/creative domain, it is always very interesting to see how people represent a certain country if their target audience aren't people from that country, but people abroad.

In an interesting article published last week, Michaela doesn't only talk about the presence of three Austrian fashion labels (superated - mangelware - Michèl Meyer) in the Berlin branch of Galeries Lafayette, she also tells her readers how this collaboration came about.

As a matter of fact, the initial trigger was a book entitled "Neues Österreich" (New Austria - publication date: May 1, 2010) commissioned by the Austrian National Tourist Office, which contains a fashion spread shot by London-based photographer Nico Ferrando.

Well, what you see there is not necessarily what you get in Austria (the contrary of NEW?), but never mind.

the original "Sound of Music" atmosphere incl. Julie Andrews, via guardian.co.uk

Once again, THE SOUND OF MUSIC must have been on everybody's mind when drafting the photoshoot concept, because these images are really all about Alps - meadows - happiness ever after. Trapp family, here we go!

That doesn't mean they're not nice to look at - it's just that really, one might wonder whether it actually makes sense to insist on this kind of imagery in 2010...

all images taken from this book:

1 commentaire:

michaela a dit…

ha, selber gedanke #soundofmusic ;-)