


... today, and rather exceptionally, a party people nightcrawling tip for ParisVienne-aficionad@s ...

I recently attended a friend's birthday party, and since she may well be called one of Vienna's rising theatre stars, an awful lot of actors, artists and performers were present.

Now, at midnight, a very, very impressive music trio rocked the mini-stage that was erected for the occasion - THE BANDALOOP.

Ever since, I have tried to find out more about them and by mere coincidence found out that they will actually perform live on September 17 at OST Club in Vienna (a venue which I'm not particularly fond of, but for THE BANDALOOP, I'm ready to sacrifice myself ...).

So, I truly truly hope that this "secret" tip isn't going to remain one for long, as these people really deserve to SHAKE 'EM ALL. And probably more so than one or two of Vienna's currently hip and trendy music combos.

So, do me a favour and SPREAD THE WORD, will ya ? ...

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