

STYLE LESSONS (hooked on AdR)

 screenshot's from Anna dello Russo's "Fashion Shower" video,

... one word? Fashion must essentially be allowed to be fun, and that's why the whole fashion circus is in desperate need of people like late Anna Piaggi, Anna dello Russo or Bryanboy, for that matter). Fashion criticism, wise words, advertising budgets, creative editorials - all of this is fine of course but were it not for people who obviously enjoy dressing up in the most outraged manner (and I'm not necessarily thinking of stage costumes Gaga-style), fashion would be a rather boring hunting ground. That's also why I absolutely adore Anna's video advertising her H&M collection ...

... une petite pensée ? Eccola: la mode, elle, en dehors de tout ce qu'on peut dire là-dessus, exception faite des services de mode les plus créatifs et de son poids économique dans certains pays, a essentiellement besoin de personnes comme la défunte Anna Piaggi, comme Bryanboy ou Anna dello Russo. C'est pourquoi je trouve la vidéo d'Anna pour présenter sa collection H&M absolument fantastique et j'adore le fait qu'elle sait comment ne pas se prendre trop au sérieux ...  


don't forget: "never smile with your teeth closed !",
stay bright Ikea's "vännerna" cushion

... hello darlings. You know what, the other day I had the new Ikea catalogue lying on my doormat. And when I spotted the VÄNNERNA cushion I had this sudden vision of the design classic "Bocca" sofa (designed by Turinese Studio 65 quoting an original design by surrealist artist Salvador Dalí) being covered with heaps and heaps of these teethy smiling pillows. Wouldn't that be just absolutely ghastly and tasteless? Definitely so! (But still...) As for "ouistiti sexe" - a dear Parisian friend of mine taught me that this is what you're supposed to say for a fabulous photo smile in French ...

"Bocca" was designed in 1971 by Studio 65,
an hommage to Salvador Dalí's "Mae West" sofa 

... bonjour, les chouchous ! L'autre jour, les Suédois (ceux du mobilier, bien entendu...) m'ont envoyé la version actuelle de leur catalogue. Quand j'ai vu le coussin VÄNNERNA (je pense que cela veut dire "les amis", en effet - et croyez-moi car je viens de lire "Män som hatar kvinnor" à la plage...), j'ai eu cette vision soudaine du sofa "Bocca" (un dessin datant de 1971, conçu par le studio turinois "Studio 65" comme hommage au sofa "Mae West" créé par Salvador Dalí) couvert par des douzaines et centaines de bouches souriantes. Ce serait affreux, non ? Mais n'oubliez jamais : NEVER SMILE WITH YOUR TEETH CLOSED ...