

hi-tec panty pad

... while I was wondering, upon Michaela's very amiable invitation, whether 2010 will be the year for online publications to finally come up with reliable models of making users contribute financially to the contents they provide, Mr Jobs' recently introduced and "potentially game-changing gadget" (Steve Lohr/NY Times) may well be the answer to this vague musing of mine.

Anyhow, it doesn't come as a surprise that publications such as the NY Times happily and all too eagerly welcome the presentation of the hi-tec panty pad (see here for a "slogan showdown" that juxtaposes the hygienic and the technological iPad), as they were actually invited to participate in the development of this new techno tool.

It does remind me of a very up-to-date variant of the traditional pocket-size slate, in a way. Curious to see whether lucrative promises will be kept...

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